"There is also a statement of criteria that the NIR model should produce SEP lesser than 2.0SEL or 1.5SEL at least. If the SEP is larger then your model needs more calibration development and/or more samples."
"Standard errors of performance (SEP) are frequently twice the magnitude of the standard error of the laboratory (SEL) in successful NIR calibrations. In spite of this the repeatability of NIR measurement is almost always better than the repeatability of the reference procedure."
(V. MÍKA, J. POZDÍŠEK, P. TILLMANN, P. NERUŠIL, K. BUCHGRABER4, L. GRUBER (2003) Development of NIR calibration valid for two different grass sample collections, Czech J. Anim. Sci., 48, 2003 (10): 419–424.)
"Westerhaus (1985, cited by Stimson, et al 1991) recommended that the SEP should be no greater than twice the SEL."
(G. McL. Dryden (2003) Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy: Applications in Deer Nutrition. A report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, RIRDC Publication No W03/007 RIRDC Project No UQ-109A)