"In AOTF (Acoustic Optical Tuneable Filter)
wavelength selectors light is directed into a crystal of
TeO2 ( figure 6). A high-frequency acoustic wave in
the radio frequency range is coupled into the crystal by
the use of a piezoelectric material bonded to the
crystal. These acoustic waves quickly propagate
through the crystal, interact with the broadband light
and generate two monochromatic beams of light, each
polarized in a different direction. These
monochromatic beams are coupled by using optical
fibres and can be used as a source of NIR light and
sent to the sample. Advantages of AOTF are, it has no
moving parts, adjustable intensity and gives narrow
beams. The disadvantages include, it covers spectrum
at limited wavelength range (1000-2000nm) and
difficulties when measuring highly absorbing samples."
(International Journal of ChemTech Research
CODEN( USA): IJCRGG ISSN : 0974-4290
Vol. 3, No.2, pp 825-836, April-June 2011
Near Infra Red Spectroscopy- An Overview
Hari Prasad Reddy Aenugu, D.Sathis Kumar*, Srisudharson,
N. Parthiban, Som Subhra Ghosh, David Banji)