วันพุธที่ 19 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Good loading weight interpretation. Variance in loading showed characteristic band.

Good loading weight interpretation.
970nm Sugar negatively correlated.

Variance in loading showed characteristic band.
P.8 Equation loadings were thus plotted (Fig.3) in order to identify, across the spectral range, those points where variance had influenced computing of the model, to a greater or lesser degree, as well as the direction (positive or negative). Fig. 3 shows that for the fruit weight parameter, using the DA-7000, the areas of the spectrum that most influenced the fitting of the model – other than the bands observed in the spectral area which includes the visible region- corresponded to water-absorption bands at around 970 and 1400 nm, and sugar-absorption bands at around 945 and 1300 nm. Moreover, for the first three latent variables – which accounted for 72%, 13% and 6% of variance, respectively= the area around 940 and 970 nm exerted the most influence, with alternating directions: i.e. if it was positive at 940 nm, it was negative at 970 nm and vice versa. This shows the existence of an inverse relationship between variation in water content of the fruit and SSC in the juice, during postharvest storage.
In Perez-Marin et al., (2009) Non-destructive determination of quality parameters in nectarines during on-tree ripening and postharvest storage. Post Biol and Tech.

