"In this technique, some groups absorb
characteristically within a definite range. The shift in
position of absorption for a particular group may
change with the changes in the structure of molecule.
The force constant is responsible for the absorption
peaks can be used to calculate bond distances and bond
angle in simple cases. When the near infrared spectrum
of unknown compound is scanned numbers of
questions come to our mind such as which groups are
present in the compound, what environments are
influencing it or what type of carbon skeleton is
present in the compound. The characteristic groups
absorb light in definite frequency. So this technique is
quite useful to predict the presence of functional
groups and to identify the compounds. Figure 9 and
table 2 express the characterization of group
absorption region in NIR."
(Near Infra Red Spectroscopy- An Overview
Hari Prasad Reddy Aenugu, D.Sathis Kumar, Srisudharson,
N. Parthiban, Som Subhra Ghosh, David Banji
International Journal of ChemTech Research
CODEN( USA): IJCRGG ISSN : 0974-4290
Vol. 3, No.2, pp 825-836, April-June 2011)