"The SDRP statistic for approximately 100 samples was typically above 2.5, which allows for sorting into two grades of sweetness."
(Golic, M.; Walsh, K.B. Robustness of calibration models based
on near infrared spectroscopy for the in-line grading of stonefruit for total
soluble solids content. Analytica
Chimica Acta 2006, 555, 286-291.)
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 8 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2556
วันเสาร์ที่ 16 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556
In transmission spectra of milk, low scattering gave rise to low absorbance.
"The original NIR
spectra of the milk samples having high, medium and low fat contents are shown
in Figure 3. The spectrum of milk shifted upward with an increase of fat
content. In raw milk, the fat exists in the form of globules from 1 mm to 12 mm in diameter, which act as a
scattering material. As fat content increases, the number of fat globules
increases, and the scattering effect becomes more severe.”
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 7 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556
High resolution: is it useful for broad band NIR?
"I have to add something to what David Hopkins said: in the early days of NIR (say, from the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s) the major applications were in the agricultural areas. The absorbance bands corresponding to the key materials in those types of samples were in fact, inherently broad: moisture, starch, and protein all have absorbances that are intrinsically broad due to the effects Dave mentioned. Therefore there was little or no incentive for the instrument manufacturers to design instruments with high spectral resolution, because the applications of them, at that time, did not justify expending the engineering time and resources to improve the resolution. Nowadays, of course, many more different types of applications exist, some of which include measurements of materials with the sharp bands that Dave also described. It is the change in the measurement requirements that drove the technologies in the direction of high spectral resolution devices."
(Howard Mark, http://www.impublications.com/discus/messages/5/2147.html?1163283835)
วันศุกร์ที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2556
Weak absorbance in NIR region is beneficial.
"The primary advantage of the NIR region is that absorbances are lower than in neighbouring regions and generally obey the Beer/Lambert law, i.e., absorbance increases linearly with concentration. This is because NIR absorptions are generally 10-100 times weaker in intensity than the fundamental mid-IR absorption bands. The weakness of the absorptions is a benefit, providing direct analysis of samples without dilution or the requirement of short optical pathlengths or dispersion in non-absorbing matrices used in traditional sampling techniques in UV/Vis and mid-IR spectroscopies."
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2556
High resolution is not necessary for NIRS (Spectral resolution less than 10 nm is sufficient)
"Averaging over wavelengths is used to reduce the number of
wavelengths or to smooth the spectrum. Modern spectrophotometers
typically have an optical resolution beyond 10 nm,
whereas a 10 nm resolution is often sufficient for most applications.
Also, most spectrophotometers provide a better spectral
resolution (often 1–2 nm) than the actual optical resolution;
while this certainly increases statistical processing time it does
not improve the information content of the spectra. Further,
below 1100 nm the bandwidth of absorption peaks is typically
larger than 40 nm (Greensill et al., 2001, and references therein).
Nicola¨ı et al. (2006a) artificially inflated NIR reflectance spectra
of apple with a 2 nm resolution tenfold to 0.2 nm resolution; arti-
ficial reflectance values between two neighbouring wavelengths
in the original spectra were obtained by linear interpolation,
and Gaussian noise was added. The accuracy of the corresponding
PLS model was very low but increased by removing
redundant high resolution information by means ofwavelet compression.
The best results were obtained with compression ratios
of 20–30, loosely corresponding to a wavelength resolution of
about 5 nm."
(Nondestructive measurement of fruit and vegetable quality
by means of NIR spectroscopy: A review
Bart M. Nicola¨ı, Katrien Beullensa, Els Bobelyna, Ann Peirs ,
Wouter Saeys , Karen I. Theron , Jeroen Lammertyna
Postharvest Biology and Technology 46 (2007) 99–118)
"Resolution is one of the measurement parameters involved in obtaining spectra with FTIR.
The resolution can be set to values such as 16 cm-1, 8 cm-1,
4 cm-1, or 2 cm-1. It indicates the degree of fineness of
the data obtained by measurement (i.e., the minimum peak interval that can be
distinguished). For example, if 4 cm-1 is selected, spectra
will be obtained at intervals of approximately 2 cm-1. To obtain
sharper spectra (i.e., spectra with a higher resolution), a value such as 2 cm-1 or
1 cm-1 is set.
In fact, although this works for gaseous samples, there are cases with solid and liquid samples where the resolution of the data obtained does not improve even if a higher resolution is set. This is because the molecules of the solid or liquid are influenced by other molecules around them, causing the actual peaks to broaden.
Also, if the resolution is increased, a smaller aperture is selected in the way described later, and the intensity of the light entering the detector is reduced, increasing the relative amount of noise in the spectra. Therefore, it is undesirable for the resolution to be increased more than necessary.
For this reason, the resolution is usually set to approximately 4 cm-1 for
solid and liquid samples, and to approximately 1 cm-1 or 0.5 cm-1 for
gaseous samples. On some occasions, a low resolution is set for gaseous samples
if the purpose is quantification."In fact, although this works for gaseous samples, there are cases with solid and liquid samples where the resolution of the data obtained does not improve even if a higher resolution is set. This is because the molecules of the solid or liquid are influenced by other molecules around them, causing the actual peaks to broaden.
Also, if the resolution is increased, a smaller aperture is selected in the way described later, and the intensity of the light entering the detector is reduced, increasing the relative amount of noise in the spectra. Therefore, it is undesirable for the resolution to be increased more than necessary.
Disadvantage of NIR spectroscopy
"Like other techniques, NIR spectroscopy has also some drawbacks. The low sensitivity of this technique restricts the determination of the active principles with less than 0.01% (w/w). NIR spectroscopy is an indirect method which requires a reference method, Chemometric techniques - statistical and mathematical procedures - to extract, and interpret spectral information acquired from the sample NIR spectra"
(FT-NIR spectroscopy and Laser Diffraction particle sizing of APIs in Pharmaceutical formulations
Joana Lucia Carrilho Figuriredo, Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Quimica, Setembro de 2008)
(Celio Pasquini (2003) Near Infrared Spectroscopy: Fundamentals, Practical Aspects and Analytical Applications: J. Braz. Chem. Soc.; Vol. 14 No. 2)
(FT-NIR spectroscopy and Laser Diffraction particle sizing of APIs in Pharmaceutical formulations
Joana Lucia Carrilho Figuriredo, Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Quimica, Setembro de 2008)
(Celio Pasquini (2003) Near Infrared Spectroscopy: Fundamentals, Practical Aspects and Analytical Applications: J. Braz. Chem. Soc.; Vol. 14 No. 2)
วันเสาร์ที่ 5 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2556
The reason NIR has an advantage over IR is that NIR has lower absorbance coefficients
"The reason NIR has an advantage over IR is that NIR has lower absorbance coefficients. Due to this, the optimum path length without dilution in the IR is in micrometers, where as long NIR is in millimeters and short NIR is in centimeters. This means that with NIR it is possible to measure representative sample portions with simple or no sample preparation. It is this lack of sample preparation makes this method preferred for analysis of agricultural and food materials."
(Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Analysis of Agricultural Material Eric C. Newgard)
(Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Analysis of Agricultural Material Eric C. Newgard)
วันเสาร์ที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556
Many strong peaks in Regression coefficients reflected the complexity of the calibration model
"To clarify the calibration structure, the PLS regression
coefficient plots, which are the regression coefficients
plotted against wavelength, are shown in Fig. 4. Many
strong peaks could be observed, indicating the complexity of the calibration model."
Suthiluk, P., Saranwong, S., Kawano, S., Numthuam, S., & Satake, T. (2008). Possibility of using near infrared spectroscopy for evaluation of bacterial contamination in shredded cabbage. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 43(1), 160-165.
coefficient plots, which are the regression coefficients
plotted against wavelength, are shown in Fig. 4. Many
strong peaks could be observed, indicating the complexity of the calibration model."
Suthiluk, P., Saranwong, S., Kawano, S., Numthuam, S., & Satake, T. (2008). Possibility of using near infrared spectroscopy for evaluation of bacterial contamination in shredded cabbage. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 43(1), 160-165.
Good argument on the difficulty to indicate which are the molecules responsible for spectral information
"By analysing the regression coefficient of the four PLS models
(Fig. 6) it can be seen that the region between 5000 and
4000 cm 1 is the most important. This spectral region is mainly
due to C–H and C–C combination bands and is the one that contains
most information regarding the chemical composition of the defective
and non-defective beans, although, as already stated, coffee is a
combination of numerous organic molecules and therefore it is difficult
to indicate which are the molecules responsible for the information
contained in the spectral region referred to previously."
(Fig. 6) it can be seen that the region between 5000 and
4000 cm 1 is the most important. This spectral region is mainly
due to C–H and C–C combination bands and is the one that contains
most information regarding the chemical composition of the defective
and non-defective beans, although, as already stated, coffee is a
combination of numerous organic molecules and therefore it is difficult
to indicate which are the molecules responsible for the information
contained in the spectral region referred to previously."
Ana Paula Craig, Adriana S. Franca, Leandro S. Oliveira, Evaluation of the potential of FTIR and chemometrics for separation between defective and non-defective coffees, Food Chemistry, Volume 132, Issue 3, 1 June 2012, Pages 1368-1374, ISSN 0308-8146,
Reference for the PLS regression
"The PLS regression model is commonly used in chemometrics
with the objective of establishing regression models (for physical
or chemical properties) from spectral data (Geladi & Kowalski,
1986; Miller, 2000)."
Geladi, P., & Kowalski, B. R. (1986). Partial least-squares regression – a tutorial.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 185, 1–17.
with the objective of establishing regression models (for physical
or chemical properties) from spectral data (Geladi & Kowalski,
1986; Miller, 2000)."
Geladi, P., & Kowalski, B. R. (1986). Partial least-squares regression – a tutorial.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 185, 1–17.
Reference for leave-one-out cross validation for the optimal number of latent variables for PLSR model
"The coffee bean qualities mass fraction values were modelled
from the NIR spectra with partial least squares (PLS) regression.
The optimal number of latent variables for each model was estimated
with the leave-one-out cross-validation method (Tormod,
Tomas, Fearn, & Tony, 2002)."
Tormod, N., Tomas, I., Fearn, T., & Tony, D. (2002). A User-Friendly Guide to
Multivariate Calibration and Classification. Chichester: NIR Publications.
from the NIR spectra with partial least squares (PLS) regression.
The optimal number of latent variables for each model was estimated
with the leave-one-out cross-validation method (Tormod,
Tomas, Fearn, & Tony, 2002)."
Tormod, N., Tomas, I., Fearn, T., & Tony, D. (2002). A User-Friendly Guide to
Multivariate Calibration and Classification. Chichester: NIR Publications.
วันจันทร์ที่ 8 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556
Either RPD or SDR is OK.
"The RPD is defined as the ratio of the standard deviation of the response variable to the RMSEP or
RMSECV (some authors use the term SDR). An RPD between 1.5 and 2 means that the model can discriminate low from high values of the response variable; a value between 2 and 2.5 indicates that coarse quantitative predictions are possible, and a value between 2.5 and 3 or above corresponds to good and
excellent prediction accuracy, respectively."
(Postharvest Biology and Technology 46 (2007) 99–118
Nondestructive measurement of fruit and vegetable quality
by means of NIR spectroscopy: A review
Bart M. Nicola¨ı, Katrien Beullens, Els Bobelyn, Ann Peirs,
Wouter Saeys, Karen I. Theron, Jeroen Lammertyn)
RMSECV (some authors use the term SDR). An RPD between 1.5 and 2 means that the model can discriminate low from high values of the response variable; a value between 2 and 2.5 indicates that coarse quantitative predictions are possible, and a value between 2.5 and 3 or above corresponds to good and
excellent prediction accuracy, respectively."
(Postharvest Biology and Technology 46 (2007) 99–118
Nondestructive measurement of fruit and vegetable quality
by means of NIR spectroscopy: A review
Bart M. Nicola¨ı, Katrien Beullens, Els Bobelyn, Ann Peirs,
Wouter Saeys, Karen I. Theron, Jeroen Lammertyn)
วันเสาร์ที่ 22 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556
Why diffuse reflectance can be used in place of Beer's law
"For a smooth surface such as glass, most of the radiation is
reflected from the surface by regular or specular reflection
and no absorption takes place. In the 1100–2500nm
region, the amount of scattering makes the path length
so great that transmittance through 1 cm of most samples
is negligible. This situation is called diffuse reflectance
because most of the incident radiation is reflected. If a
matt surface reflects diffusely without penetration into
the sample, like specular reflectance no absorption takes
place. If, however, some of the radiation penetrates the
surface when it reaches each particle it can be reflected,
absorbed or transmitted. The net result is that the diffusely
reflected radiation (R) can be empirically related to
concentration (c) in an analogous way to Beer’s law
i.e. log 1=R D kc where k is a factor which incorporates
both absorbtivity and path length."
Near-infrared Spectroscopy
in Food Analysis
Brian G. Osborne
BRI Australia Ltd, North Ryde, Australia))
reflected from the surface by regular or specular reflection
and no absorption takes place. In the 1100–2500nm
region, the amount of scattering makes the path length
so great that transmittance through 1 cm of most samples
is negligible. This situation is called diffuse reflectance
because most of the incident radiation is reflected. If a
matt surface reflects diffusely without penetration into
the sample, like specular reflectance no absorption takes
place. If, however, some of the radiation penetrates the
surface when it reaches each particle it can be reflected,
absorbed or transmitted. The net result is that the diffusely
reflected radiation (R) can be empirically related to
concentration (c) in an analogous way to Beer’s law
i.e. log 1=R D kc where k is a factor which incorporates
both absorbtivity and path length."
Near-infrared Spectroscopy
in Food Analysis
Brian G. Osborne
BRI Australia Ltd, North Ryde, Australia))
Why NIR absorbance is lower than IR?
"The reason NIR has an advantage over IR is that NIR has lower absorbance coefficients.
Due to this, the optimum path length without dilution in the IR is in micrometers, where as long
NIR is in millimeters and short NIR is in centimeters. This means that with NIR it is possible to
measure representative sample portions with simple or no sample preparation. It is this lack of
sample preparation makes this method preferred for analysis of agricultural and food materials."
(Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Analysis of Agricultural Material
Eric C. Newgard)
Due to this, the optimum path length without dilution in the IR is in micrometers, where as long
NIR is in millimeters and short NIR is in centimeters. This means that with NIR it is possible to
measure representative sample portions with simple or no sample preparation. It is this lack of
sample preparation makes this method preferred for analysis of agricultural and food materials."
(Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Analysis of Agricultural Material
Eric C. Newgard)
Detector with high S/N of 50,000 is required for successful NIR
"It is known that the amount of incident light absorbed provides the composition information. If no light is absorbed there is no information available about the sample. On the other hand, if all the light is absorbed there is no information available about the sample. Hence there must be an optimum level of absorbance for acquiring the best information. At high absorbance, the detector noise and path length errors will dominate. Due to the very low band intensities, successful NIR measurements require extremely high signal-to-noise ratios, typically on the order of 50,000 to 1. Typically modern NIR instruments have noise around 10 to 100 micro absorbance units. The theoretical optimum absorbance for detector-noise-limited systems is log (1/R) = 0.434 (T = 37%).
Modern NIR instruments are also capable of adjustment to control the amount of absorbance. Instruments are capable of adjusting the path length, changing the sensing mode, changing the wavelength region, or samples can be diluted with a non-absorber or the particle size can be adjusted. The reason NIR has an advantage over IR is that NIR has lower absorbance coefficients. Due to this, the optimum path length without dilution in the IR is in micrometers, where as long NIR is in millimeters and short NIR is in centimeters. This means that with NIR it is possible to measure representative sample portions with simple or no sample preparation. It is this lack of sample preparation makes this method preferred for analysis of agricultural and food materials. Fig. 5. 90° - 45° Reflectance Configuration"
(Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Analysis of Agricultural Material
Eric C. Newgard)
Modern NIR instruments are also capable of adjustment to control the amount of absorbance. Instruments are capable of adjusting the path length, changing the sensing mode, changing the wavelength region, or samples can be diluted with a non-absorber or the particle size can be adjusted. The reason NIR has an advantage over IR is that NIR has lower absorbance coefficients. Due to this, the optimum path length without dilution in the IR is in micrometers, where as long NIR is in millimeters and short NIR is in centimeters. This means that with NIR it is possible to measure representative sample portions with simple or no sample preparation. It is this lack of sample preparation makes this method preferred for analysis of agricultural and food materials. Fig. 5. 90° - 45° Reflectance Configuration"
(Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Analysis of Agricultural Material
Eric C. Newgard)
วันพุธที่ 19 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556
Articles on NIR Theory
NIR Theory as published in journal
1. Lin H. and Ying Yibin (2009) Theory and application of
near infrared spectroscopy in assessment of fruit quality: a review
Sens. & Instrumen. Food Qual. 3, 130-141.
DOI 10.1007/s 1169-009-9079-z
2. Blanco
3. Nicolai B.M. Beullens, K., Bobelyn et al., (2007)
Nondestructive measurement of fruit and vegetable quality by means of NIR
spectroscopy: A review
Postharvest Biology and Technology, 46, 99-118,
Doi: 10.1016/j.postharvbio.2007.06.024
4. Aenugu, H.P.R., Kumar, D.S., Srisudharson, Parthiban, N., Ghosh, S.S. and Banji, D. (2011)
Near Infra Red Spectroscopy- An Overview, International Journal of ChemTech Research, Vol.2, No.2, pp 825-836.
The NIR light was much absorbed and somewhat scattered in peel. The greater the scattering the lower the absorbance.
P.309 The NIR light was much absorbed and somewhat scattered
in peel. The greater the scattering the lower the absorbance.
In Kurata and Tsuchikawa, (2009) Application of time of
flight near-infrared spectroscopy to fruits:
spectroscopy, Vol. 63, No. 3.
How to determine the thickness of sample where light can penetrate
How to determine the thickness of sample where light can
Krivoshiev et al., (2000) A possibility for elimination of the interference
from the peel in nondestructive determination of the internal quality of fruit
and vegetables by VIS/NIR spectroscopy, Lebensm.-Wiss. U.-Technol., 33,
Two samples were excluded because they displayed Mahalanobis H values greater than 4.
In Perez-Marin et al., (2009) Non-destructive determination
of quality parameters in nectarines during on-tree ripening and postharvest
storage. Post Biol and Tech.
P.8 The three classes are clearly distinguished; they are
less clearly separated in the graph which yielded the least precise prediction
Two samples were excluded because they displayed Mahalanobis
H values greater than 4.
Good loading weight interpretation. Variance in loading showed characteristic band.
Good loading weight interpretation.
970nm Sugar negatively correlated.
Variance in loading showed characteristic band.
P.8 Equation loadings were thus plotted (Fig.3) in order to
identify, across the spectral range, those points where variance had influenced
computing of the model, to a greater or lesser degree, as well as the direction
(positive or negative). Fig. 3 shows that for the fruit weight parameter, using
the DA-7000, the areas of the spectrum that most influenced the fitting of the
model – other than the bands observed in the spectral area which includes the
visible region- corresponded to water-absorption bands at around 970 and 1400
nm, and sugar-absorption bands at around 945 and 1300 nm. Moreover, for the
first three latent variables – which accounted for 72%, 13% and 6% of variance,
respectively= the area around 940 and 970 nm exerted the most influence, with
alternating directions: i.e. if it was positive at 940 nm, it was negative at
970 nm and vice versa. This shows the existence of an inverse relationship
between variation in water content of the fruit and SSC in the juice, during
postharvest storage.
In Perez-Marin et al., (2009) Non-destructive determination
of quality parameters in nectarines during on-tree ripening and postharvest
storage. Post Biol and Tech.
(Scattering) The absorption of radiation increases as fruit firmness decreases i.e. firmer fruit reflect more radiation than softer fruit; this is limited to water and pectin content.
P.6 (Scattering) The absorption of radiation increases as
fruit firmness decreases i.e. firmer fruit reflect more radiation than softer
fruit; this is limited to water and pectin content.
A key feature of the calibration and validation sets is that
it contained data from nectarines sampled at different stages of ripening and
storage; this would account for the high coefficient of variation (CV) values
recorded, particularly for firmness and fruit weight.
RPD guideline by Williams (2001)
Good loading weight interpretation.
970nm Sugar negatively correlated.
Variance in loading showed characteristic band.
Formula for calculation of Relative interactance = |sample – dark|/|reference - dark|
Formula for calculation of
Relative interactance = |sample – dark|/|reference - dark|
Kavdir et al., (2007) Visible and near-infrared spectroscopy for nondestructive
quality assessment of pickling cucumbers, Post Biol and Tech, 44, 165-174.
Absorption by carbohydrates in the band 800-1050 nm is well known
Absorption by carbohydrates in the band 800-1050 nm is well
known (Williams and Norris, 1987). The by-products of cell wall degradation
absorb above 900 nm and induce extra absorption in this band (Wilson et al.,
P. 419 in Fan et al., (2009) Determination of soluble solids
and firmness of apples by Vis/NIR transmittance, J. of Food Eng. , 93,
A persistent spiky sequence in a B-vector regression coefficient display normally indicates over-fitting of the data
The model, as represented by B-vector of regression
coefficients, showed strong oscillatory behaviour across the spectral range
with numerous spikes above 950 nm. A persistent spiky sequence in a B-vector
regression coefficient display normally indicates over-fitting of the data.
This supports the contention that the
PLS models are using too many latent variables. The largest regression
coefficient occurred at 914 nm. This is consistent with the presence of the
third overtone of the carbohydrate CH absorbance band that nominally occurs in
the 900-920 nm range (Williams and Norris, 1981). This absorbance band for DM
and/or sugar determination as it is removed from troublesome interferences from
the water absorbance bands that typically dominate spectra of fruit.
P. 303-304 in Clark et al., (2003) Dry matter determination
in Hass avocado by NIR spectroscopy, Post Biol and Tech, 29, 300-307
Good interpretation of regression coefficients and chemical band assignment
Good interpretation of regression coefficients and chemical
band assignment
Clark et al., (2003) Dry matter determination in Hass avocado by NIR
spectroscopy, Post Biol and Tech, 29, 300-307.
NIRS prediction of total acidity has been difficult to achieve, due to the relatively low levels of organic acids in fruit.
Organic acids contribute to the SSC to an extent of 10% in
citrus fruit, yet NIRS prediction of total acidity has been difficult to
achieve, due to the relatively low levels of organic acids in fruit.
P.75 in Cayuela (2008) Vis/NIR soluble solids prediction in
intact oranges cv. Valencia
late by reflectance, Post Biol and Tech, 47, 75-80.
วันอังคารที่ 18 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556
Reference spectrum (empty bottle)
Reference spectrum (empty bottle), Mahalanobis distance, %T
USB200 Ocean optics
P. E126 in Yu et al., (2007) Vintage year determination of
bottled Chinese rice wine by Vis-NIR spectroscopy, J. of Food Science,
A good model should have a low SEC, a low SECV and a high correlation coefficient but also a small different between SEC and SECV.
A good model should have a low SEC, a low SECV and a high
correlation coefficient but also a small different between SEC and SECV.
Standard error of cross-validation (SECV or SEP) P.318
A large difference indicates that too many latent variables
are used in the model and noise is modeled. P.318
In Li et al., (2007) Nondestructive measurement and
fingerprint analysis of soluble solid content of tea soft drink based on
Vis/NIR spectroscopy, J. of Food Eng, 82, 316-323.
The regression coefficients was validated to be an effective way for the selection of effective wavelengths.
The regression coefficients was validated to be an effective
way for the selection of effective wavelengths.
P.16 in Liu et al., (2008) Determination of effective
wavelengths of discrimination of fruit vinegars using near infrared
spectroscopy and multivariate analysis, Analytica chimica acta, 615, 10-17
The wavelengths important in classifying the species of interest were determined based on PLS regression coefficients and differences in spectra
The wavelengths important in classifying the species of
interest were determined based on PLS regression coefficients and differences
in spectra.
in Jia et al., (2007) Differentiating tobacco budworm and corn earworm using
near-infrared spectroscopy, J. Econ.Entomol. 100(3). 759-764.
Example of regression coefficient interpretation
"How to interpret regression coefficient for sensitive
P.1018 in Shao and He (2007) Nondestructive measurement of the internal quality of bayberry juice using Vis/NIR spectroscopy, J of Food Eng 79, 1015-1019."
P.1018 in Shao and He (2007) Nondestructive measurement of the internal quality of bayberry juice using Vis/NIR spectroscopy, J of Food Eng 79, 1015-1019."
Good interpretation of Coomans plot
"Page 95 of following paper gives good discussion on Coomans plot"
(Mouzzen et al., 2005. Near infrared spectroscopy for agricultural materials: an instrument comparison, J. Near Infrared Spectrosc. 13, 87-97.)
(Mouzzen et al., 2005. Near infrared spectroscopy for agricultural materials: an instrument comparison, J. Near Infrared Spectrosc. 13, 87-97.)
Good discussion to give reason for less accuracy in terms of less no. of samples but greater variation
"Page 93: However, the results were not as good as previously reported, when samples were all taken from one field including three textures only. This was considered due to the smaller number of samples used, involving greater variation of soil texture and colours."
(Mouzzen et al., 2005. Near infrared spectroscopy for agricultural materials: an instrument comparison, J. Near Infrared Spectrosc. 13, 87-97.)
(Mouzzen et al., 2005. Near infrared spectroscopy for agricultural materials: an instrument comparison, J. Near Infrared Spectrosc. 13, 87-97.)
Coomans plot good description (SIMCA)
"Page 91 of following paper gives good description for SIMCA involving Coomans plot"
(Mouzzen et al., 2005. Near infrared spectroscopy for agricultural materials: an instrument comparison, J. Near Infrared Spectrosc. 13, 87-97.)
(Mouzzen et al., 2005. Near infrared spectroscopy for agricultural materials: an instrument comparison, J. Near Infrared Spectrosc. 13, 87-97.)
Criterion for accuracy parameters of calibration model: R2, RPD etc.
"Page 90 in Mouazen et al., gives details of criterion of parameters used to evaluate accuracy of calibration model such as r2, RPD etc."
(Mouzzen et al., 2005. Near infrared spectroscopy for agricultural materials: an instrument comparison, J. Near Infrared Spectrosc. 13, 87-97.)
(Mouzzen et al., 2005. Near infrared spectroscopy for agricultural materials: an instrument comparison, J. Near Infrared Spectrosc. 13, 87-97.)
วันจันทร์ที่ 17 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556
Range/SEP is one of validation values
range typically gives higher SEP"
(From Power Point slide of togni)
SEP = Standard Error of Prediction as performed on an
independent test set
Guidelines R/SEP
≥ 4 = screening calibration
≥ 10
= acceptable for calibration for quality control
≥ 15
= good calibration for quantification
In other words, be careful when
presented calibrations with good SEP. If you don’t have the range, you cannot
evaluate the SEP!
(From Power Point slide of togni)
วันศุกร์ที่ 14 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556
The log(1/R) is valid in case of scattering despite unknown path length t in Beer's law
"For a smooth surface such as glass, most of the radiation is
reflected from the surface by regular or specular reflection
and no absorption takes place. In the 1100–2500nm
region, the amount of scattering makes the path length
so great that transmittance through 1 cm of most samples
is negligible. This situation is called diffuse reflectance
because most of the incident radiation is reflected. If a
matt surface reflects diffusely without penetration into
the sample, like specular reflectance no absorption takes
place. If, however, some of the radiation penetrates the
surface when it reaches each particle it can be reflected,
absorbed or transmitted. The net result is that the diffusely
reflected radiation (R) can be empirically related to
concentration (c) in an analogous way to Beer’s law
i.e. log 1=R D kc where k is a factor which incorporates
both absorbtivity and path length."
Near-infrared Spectroscopy
in Food Analysis
Brian G. Osborne
BRI Australia Ltd, North Ryde, Australia))
reflected from the surface by regular or specular reflection
and no absorption takes place. In the 1100–2500nm
region, the amount of scattering makes the path length
so great that transmittance through 1 cm of most samples
is negligible. This situation is called diffuse reflectance
because most of the incident radiation is reflected. If a
matt surface reflects diffusely without penetration into
the sample, like specular reflectance no absorption takes
place. If, however, some of the radiation penetrates the
surface when it reaches each particle it can be reflected,
absorbed or transmitted. The net result is that the diffusely
reflected radiation (R) can be empirically related to
concentration (c) in an analogous way to Beer’s law
i.e. log 1=R D kc where k is a factor which incorporates
both absorbtivity and path length."
Near-infrared Spectroscopy
in Food Analysis
Brian G. Osborne
BRI Australia Ltd, North Ryde, Australia))
Advantages and disadvantages of FT-NIR
"Advantages and disadvantages of Fourier Transform spectrometric techniques compared to traditional analytical methods
In a dispersive spectrometer, wavenumbers are observed sequentially. In an FT-IR and FT-NIR spectrometer, all the wavenumbers of light are observed simultaneously. Therefore, when spectra are collected under identical conditions the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio of the FT-IR spectrum will be greater than that of the dispersive IR spectrum (HILL et al. 1997).
In FT-IR instruments there is no need to limit the beam width in order to obtain an adequate resolution. In fact, a circular optical aperture is used in FT instruments, and the beam area is 75 to 100 times larger than the slit area of dispersive instruments (SETTLE 1997). As a consequence, there is an advantage of increased beam intensity going through the sample and therefore a much higher throughput with a FT-IR than with a dispersive instrument (JACQUINOT 1984).
High and constant resolution: Spectral resolution is a measure of how well a spectrometer can distinguish closely spaced spectral features. Filter instruments cannot offer high resolution because, in dispersive instruments, resolution decreases as lower frequencies are scanned. In FT-IR, the resolution depends on the optical path difference (OPD) that can be achieved. Thus it is constant across the scanning range (WILKS 1986, PERKINS 1987)."
(Near Infrared spectroscopy, a quality control tool for the different steps in the manufacture of
herbal medicinal products
Magali Laasonen nÈe Grata
Division of Pharmacognosy
Department of Pharmacy
Faculty of Science
University of Helsinki
"Two important parameters to ensure good spectra collection of a FT-NIR spectrometer during an analysis are number of scans and resolution. Resolution in an FT-NIR determines a small frequency interval that can be distinguished over a spectral range and typically this parameter ranges from 4 and 64cm-1. In case of selecting a high resolution, the spectrum becomes more detailed, but it captures more noise and the analysis takes a longer time. The number of scans acquired enhances the signal amplitude per unit time. This parameter is inversely proportional to noise effect, and the typical values of number of scans are between 16 and 128 (PLSplus IQ user’s guide; Thermo Electron Corporation, Salem, NH, USA). Setting these parameters is based on a compromise between the operation time and analysis quality desired."
(FT-NIR spectroscopy and Laser Diffraction particle sizing of
APIs in Pharmaceutical formulations, Joana Lúcia Carrilho Figueiredo
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em
Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Química, Setembro de 2008)
"Each spectrum had an average of 64 scans and provided a resolution
of 16cm-1. The spectral data analysis covered the range from 3996.2 to 12004 cm-1
. "
In a dispersive spectrometer, wavenumbers are observed sequentially. In an FT-IR and FT-NIR spectrometer, all the wavenumbers of light are observed simultaneously. Therefore, when spectra are collected under identical conditions the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio of the FT-IR spectrum will be greater than that of the dispersive IR spectrum (HILL et al. 1997).
In FT-IR instruments there is no need to limit the beam width in order to obtain an adequate resolution. In fact, a circular optical aperture is used in FT instruments, and the beam area is 75 to 100 times larger than the slit area of dispersive instruments (SETTLE 1997). As a consequence, there is an advantage of increased beam intensity going through the sample and therefore a much higher throughput with a FT-IR than with a dispersive instrument (JACQUINOT 1984).
High and constant resolution: Spectral resolution is a measure of how well a spectrometer can distinguish closely spaced spectral features. Filter instruments cannot offer high resolution because, in dispersive instruments, resolution decreases as lower frequencies are scanned. In FT-IR, the resolution depends on the optical path difference (OPD) that can be achieved. Thus it is constant across the scanning range (WILKS 1986, PERKINS 1987)."
(Near Infrared spectroscopy, a quality control tool for the different steps in the manufacture of
herbal medicinal products
Magali Laasonen nÈe Grata
Division of Pharmacognosy
Department of Pharmacy
Faculty of Science
University of Helsinki
"Two important parameters to ensure good spectra collection of a FT-NIR spectrometer during an analysis are number of scans and resolution. Resolution in an FT-NIR determines a small frequency interval that can be distinguished over a spectral range and typically this parameter ranges from 4 and 64cm-1. In case of selecting a high resolution, the spectrum becomes more detailed, but it captures more noise and the analysis takes a longer time. The number of scans acquired enhances the signal amplitude per unit time. This parameter is inversely proportional to noise effect, and the typical values of number of scans are between 16 and 128 (PLSplus IQ user’s guide; Thermo Electron Corporation, Salem, NH, USA). Setting these parameters is based on a compromise between the operation time and analysis quality desired."
(FT-NIR spectroscopy and Laser Diffraction particle sizing of
APIs in Pharmaceutical formulations, Joana Lúcia Carrilho Figueiredo
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em
Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Química, Setembro de 2008)
"Each spectrum had an average of 64 scans and provided a resolution
of 16cm-1. The spectral data analysis covered the range from 3996.2 to 12004 cm-1
. "
NIR wavelength range suitable for infestation prediction
"The 950-1690nm bands were idenfified as important for infestation prediction. In general, NIR spectroscopy should be a feasible technique for rapid classification of insect infestation in fruit"
(Comparison of three near infrared spectrophotometers for infestation detection in wild blueberries using multivariate calibration models
B.N. Peshlov et al., J. Near Infrared Spectrosc. 17, 203-212 (2009))
(Comparison of three near infrared spectrophotometers for infestation detection in wild blueberries using multivariate calibration models
B.N. Peshlov et al., J. Near Infrared Spectrosc. 17, 203-212 (2009))
Comparison of spectrophotometer in NIRS for agricultural materials
"The selection of a spectrophotometer for the measurement of constituents of agricultural materials with acceptable accuracy and cost effectiveness requires a comparative study of the performance of different spectrophotometers. Four commercially available spectrophotometers were evaluated, based on measurements performed on three agricultural materials. These spectrophotometers, differing mainly in wavelength range and measurement principles, comprised a diode array (DA) of 300-1700 nm, a combination of diode array and scanning monochromator (DASM) of 350-2500 nm, a Fourier transform (FT) of 750-2500 nm and a scanning monochromator (SM) of 400-2500 nm spectrophotometers. They were used to measure the moisture content of soil, the chemical constituents of hog manure and to detect bruising in apples. Three spectral pre-treatments were considered. Calibrations were developed using partial least squares (PLS) regression with the leave-one-out cross-validation technique for soil and manure and principal component analysis (PCA) for apple. The four instruments provided good predictions for soil moisture content, with the largest coefficient of determination (r(2)) values between 0.84-0.86 and with the largest ratio of prediction to deviation (RPD) of standard deviation (SD) to root mean square error of cross-validation (RMSECV) ranging from 2.53 to 2.75. The DASM and SM were comparable and slightly better than the DA and FT. For hog manure, total nitrogen was predicted more accurately with the four instruments (r(2) = 0.83-0.89 and RPD = 2.43-3.01) than the phosphorus (r(2) = 0.66-0.85 and RPD = 1.72-2.61) and potassium (r(2) = 0.70-0.84 and RPD = 1.83-2.50). The order of accuracy of the four spectrophotometers for the measurement of total nitrogen was: FT-SM-DA-DASM. For phosphorus and potassium the order was: DA-DASM-FT-SM and SM-FT-DASM-DA, respectively. The DA performed better than the DASM and FT for discrimination of bi-colour and single-colour bruised apple, respectively. Therefore, selection of a spectrophotometer depends mainly on the type of material analysed and the constituent to be measured. Wavelengths above 1700 nm were found unnecessary for the applications considered and the DA spectrophotometer was of sufficient accuracy, as it is robust, significantly cheaper and can be used in the field for on-line measurements."
(Near infrared spectroscopy for agricultural materials: an instrument comparison
Mouazen, Abdul Mounem ×
Saeys, Wouter
Xing, Juan
De Baerdemaeker, Josse
Ramon, Herman
Journal of near infrared spectroscopy vol:13 issue:2 pages:87-97)
(Near infrared spectroscopy for agricultural materials: an instrument comparison
Mouazen, Abdul Mounem ×
Saeys, Wouter
Xing, Juan
De Baerdemaeker, Josse
Ramon, Herman
Journal of near infrared spectroscopy vol:13 issue:2 pages:87-97)
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556
Smooth and matt surface affects specular reflection
"For a smooth surface such as glass, most of the radiation is
reflected from the surface by regular or specular reflection
and no absorption takes place. In the 1100–2500nm
region, the amount of scattering makes the path length
so great that transmittance through 1 cm of most samples
is negligible. This situation is called diffuse reflectance
because most of the incident radiation is reflected. If a
matt surface reflects diffusely without penetration into
the sample, like specular reflectance no absorption takes
place. If, however, some of the radiation penetrates the
surface when it reaches each particle it can be reflected,
absorbed or transmitted. The net result is that the diffusely
reflected radiation (R) can be empirically related to
concentration (c) in an analogous way to Beer’s law
i.e. log 1=R D kc where k is a factor which incorporates
both absorbtivity and path length."
Near-infrared Spectroscopy
in Food Analysis
Brian G. Osborne
BRI Australia Ltd, North Ryde, Australia))
reflected from the surface by regular or specular reflection
and no absorption takes place. In the 1100–2500nm
region, the amount of scattering makes the path length
so great that transmittance through 1 cm of most samples
is negligible. This situation is called diffuse reflectance
because most of the incident radiation is reflected. If a
matt surface reflects diffusely without penetration into
the sample, like specular reflectance no absorption takes
place. If, however, some of the radiation penetrates the
surface when it reaches each particle it can be reflected,
absorbed or transmitted. The net result is that the diffusely
reflected radiation (R) can be empirically related to
concentration (c) in an analogous way to Beer’s law
i.e. log 1=R D kc where k is a factor which incorporates
both absorbtivity and path length."
Near-infrared Spectroscopy
in Food Analysis
Brian G. Osborne
BRI Australia Ltd, North Ryde, Australia))
Limit of Beer's law for variation in path length in sample
"Radiation interacting with a sample may be absorbed,
transmitted or reflected. In the classical spectroscopy
experiment, reflection is eliminated so that the proportion
of radiation attenuated by the sample may be measured as
transmittance. Beer’s law then defines a proportionality
between transmittance and the product of concentration
of the absorbing species and path length. For a clear
transparent liquid sample such as beer, hot starch melts,
wine or vegetable oil, the path length may be fixed by
means of a static or flow-through sample cuvette or a pair
of fiber-optic probes and a calibration developed using
samples of known concentrations. For example, Halsey.2/
used standard solutions of ethanol in water to develop
a calibration for alcohol content of beer. It should be
noted that, owing to the relatively weak intensities of
NIR absorption bands, samples such as vegetable oils
may be analyzed without dilution in a solvent.
Beer’s law is only valid in the absence of light scatter
in the sample. Scattering changes the path length through
which the radiation passes and, because the amount
of scattering varies from sample to sample, the path
length cannot be defined. This type of experiment is
known as diffuse transmittance (Figure 3), the most well known
example of which is liquid whole milk. The
fat globules in the milk scatter light in the manner
shown and invalidate Beer’s law. Diffuse transmittance
measurements are usually carried out in the 800–1100nm
region of the spectrum where the weak absorptions enable
useful data to be obtained using thicknesses of 1–2 cm
of samples such as meat, cheese or whole grain. Near infrared
transmittance (NIT) instruments are particularly
applicable to the analysis of whole grains and a typical
apparatus is shown schematically in Figure 4. A sample
of grain is placed in a hopper from where aliquots are
dispensed into the measurement chamber. When analysis
is complete, the sample is discharged into a collection
Near-infrared Spectroscopy
in Food Analysis
Brian G. Osborne
BRI Australia Ltd, North Ryde, Australia)
transmitted or reflected. In the classical spectroscopy
experiment, reflection is eliminated so that the proportion
of radiation attenuated by the sample may be measured as
transmittance. Beer’s law then defines a proportionality
between transmittance and the product of concentration
of the absorbing species and path length. For a clear
transparent liquid sample such as beer, hot starch melts,
wine or vegetable oil, the path length may be fixed by
means of a static or flow-through sample cuvette or a pair
of fiber-optic probes and a calibration developed using
samples of known concentrations. For example, Halsey.2/
used standard solutions of ethanol in water to develop
a calibration for alcohol content of beer. It should be
noted that, owing to the relatively weak intensities of
NIR absorption bands, samples such as vegetable oils
may be analyzed without dilution in a solvent.
Beer’s law is only valid in the absence of light scatter
in the sample. Scattering changes the path length through
which the radiation passes and, because the amount
of scattering varies from sample to sample, the path
length cannot be defined. This type of experiment is
known as diffuse transmittance (Figure 3), the most well known
example of which is liquid whole milk. The
fat globules in the milk scatter light in the manner
shown and invalidate Beer’s law. Diffuse transmittance
measurements are usually carried out in the 800–1100nm
region of the spectrum where the weak absorptions enable
useful data to be obtained using thicknesses of 1–2 cm
of samples such as meat, cheese or whole grain. Near infrared
transmittance (NIT) instruments are particularly
applicable to the analysis of whole grains and a typical
apparatus is shown schematically in Figure 4. A sample
of grain is placed in a hopper from where aliquots are
dispensed into the measurement chamber. When analysis
is complete, the sample is discharged into a collection
Near-infrared Spectroscopy
in Food Analysis
Brian G. Osborne
BRI Australia Ltd, North Ryde, Australia)
The ideal training set
"All the chemometric calibration methods rely on correlation between some derived spectral measurements and reference measurements for the samples in what, for obvious reasons, is called a training set. It is crucial to the future robustness of the calibration that this training set is representative of the unknowns for which predictions are to be made. ..... The chemometric method has to learn, from the training set, how to make predictions that are robust to variations in the spectra caused by physical properties of the sample and by constituents other than the one of interest. If these sources of variability are not present in the training samples, the resulting calibration will not be robust against them. For example, if all the training samples in an exercise to calibrate for wheat protein are scanned at 14% moisture content, because they have all equilibrated in a laboratory whilst waiting to be scanned, then there is every chance that the calibration will not work well for samples scanned at other moisture contents. There are two solutions to this: equilibrate all the unknowns in the same way, or ensure that the moisture variations in the training set are representative of those that will occur in the unknowns.
.......The ideal training set is a random sample taken from all the unknowns that the calibration will ever be used on. In most cases this is an unachievable ideal, but we should at least try to represent the main sources of variability in the samples. Key ones are particle size, when powders or ground samples are being measured, and moisture content. For example, if the samples come from an industrial process, it is important to include samples from several batches."
(NIR Celebration Special Issue of NIR news)
.......The ideal training set is a random sample taken from all the unknowns that the calibration will ever be used on. In most cases this is an unachievable ideal, but we should at least try to represent the main sources of variability in the samples. Key ones are particle size, when powders or ground samples are being measured, and moisture content. For example, if the samples come from an industrial process, it is important to include samples from several batches."
(NIR Celebration Special Issue of NIR news)
Standard material should have high and fairly constant absolute reflectance
"The standard is
usually a stable material with a high and fairly constant absolute
reflectance (e.g., Teflon, barium sulfate, magnesium oxide,
high-purity alumina ceramics). Standard is a material that absorbs no light at any wavelength and
reflects light at an angle identical with the incidence angle."
(Critical Review
Near-infrared spectroscopy in the pharmaceutical
M. Blanco*, J. Coello, H. Iturriaga, S. Maspoch and C. de la Pezuela
Analyst, August 1998, Vol. 123 (135R–150R))
usually a stable material with a high and fairly constant absolute
reflectance (e.g., Teflon, barium sulfate, magnesium oxide,
high-purity alumina ceramics). Standard is a material that absorbs no light at any wavelength and
reflects light at an angle identical with the incidence angle."
(Critical Review
Near-infrared spectroscopy in the pharmaceutical
M. Blanco*, J. Coello, H. Iturriaga, S. Maspoch and C. de la Pezuela
Analyst, August 1998, Vol. 123 (135R–150R))
Relative reflectance is preferred to absolute reflectance
"The Kubelka–Munk function, f(R°), is given by
where R° is the absolute reflectance of the sample (viz., the
fraction of light impinging on it that is reflected), k its
absorption coefficient and s its dispersion coefficient. In
practice, relative reflectance (R), which is the ratio of the
intensity of the light reflected by the sample to that by a
standard, is preferred to absolute reflectance. The standard is
usually a stable material with a high and fairly constant absolute
reflectance (e.g., Teflon, barium sulfate, magnesium oxide,
high-purity alumina ceramics)."
(Critical Review
Near-infrared spectroscopy in the pharmaceutical
M. Blanco*, J. Coello, H. Iturriaga, S. Maspoch and C. de la Pezuela
Analyst, August 1998, Vol. 123 (135R–150R))
where R° is the absolute reflectance of the sample (viz., the
fraction of light impinging on it that is reflected), k its
absorption coefficient and s its dispersion coefficient. In
practice, relative reflectance (R), which is the ratio of the
intensity of the light reflected by the sample to that by a
standard, is preferred to absolute reflectance. The standard is
usually a stable material with a high and fairly constant absolute
reflectance (e.g., Teflon, barium sulfate, magnesium oxide,
high-purity alumina ceramics)."
(Critical Review
Near-infrared spectroscopy in the pharmaceutical
M. Blanco*, J. Coello, H. Iturriaga, S. Maspoch and C. de la Pezuela
Analyst, August 1998, Vol. 123 (135R–150R))
Why detector position must be set to avoid regular reflectance
"Reflectance spectroscopy measures the light reflected by the
sample surface, which contains a specular component and a
diffuse component. Specular reflectance, described by Fresnel’s
law, contains little information about composition; consequently,
its contribution to measurements is minimized by
adjusting the detector’s position relative to the sample. On the
other hand, diffuse reflectance, which is described by the
Kubelka–Munk theory,36 is the basis for measurements by this
(Critical Review
Near-infrared spectroscopy in the pharmaceutical
M. Blanco*, J. Coello, H. Iturriaga, S. Maspoch and C. de la Pezuela
Analyst, August 1998, Vol. 123 (135R–150R))
sample surface, which contains a specular component and a
diffuse component. Specular reflectance, described by Fresnel’s
law, contains little information about composition; consequently,
its contribution to measurements is minimized by
adjusting the detector’s position relative to the sample. On the
other hand, diffuse reflectance, which is described by the
Kubelka–Munk theory,36 is the basis for measurements by this
(Critical Review
Near-infrared spectroscopy in the pharmaceutical
M. Blanco*, J. Coello, H. Iturriaga, S. Maspoch and C. de la Pezuela
Analyst, August 1998, Vol. 123 (135R–150R))
Low molar absorptivity at low wavelength lead to low absorbance in NIR.
"The low molar absorptivity of adsorption bands in the NIR
region (typically between 0.01 and 0.1 l mol–1 cm–1) severely
restricts sensitivity; however, it permits operation in the
reflectance mode and hence the recording of spectra for solid
(Critical Review
Near-infrared spectroscopy in the pharmaceutical
M. Blanco*, J. Coello, H. Iturriaga, S. Maspoch and C. de la Pezuela
Analyst, August 1998, Vol. 123 (135R–150R))
region (typically between 0.01 and 0.1 l mol–1 cm–1) severely
restricts sensitivity; however, it permits operation in the
reflectance mode and hence the recording of spectra for solid
(Critical Review
Near-infrared spectroscopy in the pharmaceutical
M. Blanco*, J. Coello, H. Iturriaga, S. Maspoch and C. de la Pezuela
Analyst, August 1998, Vol. 123 (135R–150R))
วันเสาร์ที่ 8 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556
วันศุกร์ที่ 7 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556
Internal and external validation
"In order to assess the accuracy of the calibration model and
to avoid overfitting, validation procedures have to be applied; a
calibration model without validation is nonsense. Leverage correction
is an equation based procedure to estimate the prediction
accuracy without performing any prediction, and is to be avoided
at all times because it always leads to overoptimistic estimates.
In leave-one-out cross validation, one sample is removed from
the dataset, and a calibration model is constructed for the remaining
subset. The removed samples are then used to calculate the
prediction residual. The process is repeated with other subsets
until every sample has been left out once, and in the end the
variance of all prediction residuals is estimated. In multifold
cross validation, a well-defined number of samples (‘segment’)
are left out instead of one. In internal validation, the dataset
is split into a calibration and a validation set. The calibration
model is constructed using the calibration set, and the prediction
residuals are then calculated by applying the calibration
model to the validation set. In external validation, the validation
dataset is independent, and is, for example, obtained from
a different orchard or different season. Although leverage correction
should not be used, it is still the default cross validation
method in the widely used Unscrambler chemometrics software
(Postharvest Biology and Technology 46 (2007) 99–118
Nondestructive measurement of fruit and vegetable quality
by means of NIR spectroscopy: A review
Bart M. Nicolai ,, Katrien Beullens, Els Bobelyn, Ann Peirs,
Wouter Saeys, Karen I. Theron, Jeroen Lammertyn)
to avoid overfitting, validation procedures have to be applied; a
calibration model without validation is nonsense. Leverage correction
is an equation based procedure to estimate the prediction
accuracy without performing any prediction, and is to be avoided
at all times because it always leads to overoptimistic estimates.
In leave-one-out cross validation, one sample is removed from
the dataset, and a calibration model is constructed for the remaining
subset. The removed samples are then used to calculate the
prediction residual. The process is repeated with other subsets
until every sample has been left out once, and in the end the
variance of all prediction residuals is estimated. In multifold
cross validation, a well-defined number of samples (‘segment’)
are left out instead of one. In internal validation, the dataset
is split into a calibration and a validation set. The calibration
model is constructed using the calibration set, and the prediction
residuals are then calculated by applying the calibration
model to the validation set. In external validation, the validation
dataset is independent, and is, for example, obtained from
a different orchard or different season. Although leverage correction
should not be used, it is still the default cross validation
method in the widely used Unscrambler chemometrics software
(Postharvest Biology and Technology 46 (2007) 99–118
Nondestructive measurement of fruit and vegetable quality
by means of NIR spectroscopy: A review
Bart M. Nicolai ,, Katrien Beullens, Els Bobelyn, Ann Peirs,
Wouter Saeys, Karen I. Theron, Jeroen Lammertyn)
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556
Advantage and disadvantage of AOTF
"In AOTF (Acoustic Optical Tuneable Filter)
wavelength selectors light is directed into a crystal of
TeO2 ( figure 6). A high-frequency acoustic wave in
the radio frequency range is coupled into the crystal by
the use of a piezoelectric material bonded to the
crystal. These acoustic waves quickly propagate
through the crystal, interact with the broadband light
and generate two monochromatic beams of light, each
polarized in a different direction. These
monochromatic beams are coupled by using optical
fibres and can be used as a source of NIR light and
sent to the sample. Advantages of AOTF are, it has no
moving parts, adjustable intensity and gives narrow
beams. The disadvantages include, it covers spectrum
at limited wavelength range (1000-2000nm) and
difficulties when measuring highly absorbing samples."
(International Journal of ChemTech Research
CODEN( USA): IJCRGG ISSN : 0974-4290
Vol. 3, No.2, pp 825-836, April-June 2011
Near Infra Red Spectroscopy- An Overview
Hari Prasad Reddy Aenugu, D.Sathis Kumar*, Srisudharson,
N. Parthiban, Som Subhra Ghosh, David Banji)
wavelength selectors light is directed into a crystal of
TeO2 ( figure 6). A high-frequency acoustic wave in
the radio frequency range is coupled into the crystal by
the use of a piezoelectric material bonded to the
crystal. These acoustic waves quickly propagate
through the crystal, interact with the broadband light
and generate two monochromatic beams of light, each
polarized in a different direction. These
monochromatic beams are coupled by using optical
fibres and can be used as a source of NIR light and
sent to the sample. Advantages of AOTF are, it has no
moving parts, adjustable intensity and gives narrow
beams. The disadvantages include, it covers spectrum
at limited wavelength range (1000-2000nm) and
difficulties when measuring highly absorbing samples."
(International Journal of ChemTech Research
CODEN( USA): IJCRGG ISSN : 0974-4290
Vol. 3, No.2, pp 825-836, April-June 2011
Near Infra Red Spectroscopy- An Overview
Hari Prasad Reddy Aenugu, D.Sathis Kumar*, Srisudharson,
N. Parthiban, Som Subhra Ghosh, David Banji)
InGaAs is better than PbS
(International Journal of ChemTech Research
CODEN( USA): IJCRGG ISSN : 0974-4290
Vol. 3, No.2, pp 825-836, April-June 2011
Near Infra Red Spectroscopy- An Overview
Hari Prasad Reddy Aenugu, D.Sathis Kumar*, Srisudharson,
N. Parthiban, Som Subhra Ghosh, David Banji)
CODEN( USA): IJCRGG ISSN : 0974-4290
Vol. 3, No.2, pp 825-836, April-June 2011
Near Infra Red Spectroscopy- An Overview
Hari Prasad Reddy Aenugu, D.Sathis Kumar*, Srisudharson,
N. Parthiban, Som Subhra Ghosh, David Banji)
วันพุธที่ 5 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556
Comparison between NIR materials for detectors
"The choice of detectors depends on Wavelength range,
Spectrometer design characterstics, detector
characteristics such as photosensitivity (responsivity),
noise equivalent power (NEP), detectivity.
Photosensitivity measures the voltage output per unit
of incident radiant at a particular wavelength when
noise is not considerable. NEP measures the quantity
of light when the signal to noise ratio is 1. Detectivity
is a parameter used to compare the performance of
different detectors. Best detector should possess the
higher in the signal of detectivity. Detectity is the
signal to noise ratio at particular electrical frequency
and in a 1HZ bandwidth when 1 watt of radiant on a
1cm2 active area detector. Detectors (table 1) using in
NIR spectrometers are Lead sulphide detectos (PbS),
Lead selenide detectors (PbSe), Silicon detectors,
Indium antimonide detectors, InGaAs, InSb, Common
Charged Coupled Devices (CCD)."
(International Journal of ChemTech Research
CODEN( USA): IJCRGG ISSN : 0974-4290
Vol. 3, No.2, pp 825-836, April-June 2011
Near Infra Red Spectroscopy- An Overview
Hari Prasad Reddy Aenugu, D.Sathis Kumar*, Srisudharson,
N. Parthiban, Som Subhra Ghosh, David Banji)
Spectrometer design characterstics, detector
characteristics such as photosensitivity (responsivity),
noise equivalent power (NEP), detectivity.
Photosensitivity measures the voltage output per unit
of incident radiant at a particular wavelength when
noise is not considerable. NEP measures the quantity
of light when the signal to noise ratio is 1. Detectivity
is a parameter used to compare the performance of
different detectors. Best detector should possess the
higher in the signal of detectivity. Detectity is the
signal to noise ratio at particular electrical frequency
and in a 1HZ bandwidth when 1 watt of radiant on a
1cm2 active area detector. Detectors (table 1) using in
NIR spectrometers are Lead sulphide detectos (PbS),
Lead selenide detectors (PbSe), Silicon detectors,
Indium antimonide detectors, InGaAs, InSb, Common
Charged Coupled Devices (CCD)."
(International Journal of ChemTech Research
CODEN( USA): IJCRGG ISSN : 0974-4290
Vol. 3, No.2, pp 825-836, April-June 2011
Near Infra Red Spectroscopy- An Overview
Hari Prasad Reddy Aenugu, D.Sathis Kumar*, Srisudharson,
N. Parthiban, Som Subhra Ghosh, David Banji)
Article containing table of NIR band assignment
"In this technique, some groups absorb
characteristically within a definite range. The shift in
position of absorption for a particular group may
change with the changes in the structure of molecule.
The force constant is responsible for the absorption
peaks can be used to calculate bond distances and bond
angle in simple cases. When the near infrared spectrum
of unknown compound is scanned numbers of
questions come to our mind such as which groups are
present in the compound, what environments are
influencing it or what type of carbon skeleton is
present in the compound. The characteristic groups
absorb light in definite frequency. So this technique is
quite useful to predict the presence of functional
groups and to identify the compounds. Figure 9 and
table 2 express the characterization of group
absorption region in NIR."
(Near Infra Red Spectroscopy- An Overview
Hari Prasad Reddy Aenugu, D.Sathis Kumar, Srisudharson,
N. Parthiban, Som Subhra Ghosh, David Banji
International Journal of ChemTech Research
CODEN( USA): IJCRGG ISSN : 0974-4290
Vol. 3, No.2, pp 825-836, April-June 2011)
characteristically within a definite range. The shift in
position of absorption for a particular group may
change with the changes in the structure of molecule.
The force constant is responsible for the absorption
peaks can be used to calculate bond distances and bond
angle in simple cases. When the near infrared spectrum
of unknown compound is scanned numbers of
questions come to our mind such as which groups are
present in the compound, what environments are
influencing it or what type of carbon skeleton is
present in the compound. The characteristic groups
absorb light in definite frequency. So this technique is
quite useful to predict the presence of functional
groups and to identify the compounds. Figure 9 and
table 2 express the characterization of group
absorption region in NIR."
(Near Infra Red Spectroscopy- An Overview
Hari Prasad Reddy Aenugu, D.Sathis Kumar, Srisudharson,
N. Parthiban, Som Subhra Ghosh, David Banji
International Journal of ChemTech Research
CODEN( USA): IJCRGG ISSN : 0974-4290
Vol. 3, No.2, pp 825-836, April-June 2011)
วันเสาร์ที่ 1 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556
External diffuse reflection
Reflection is due to three different phenomena. Specular
reflection causes gloss, whereas external diffuse reflection is
induced by rough surfaces. Both only provide information about
the surface of the sample. Scattering results from multiple refractions
at phase changes inside the material. The main scattering
elements in fruit and vegetables are the cell wall interfaces since
they induce abrupt changes in refractive index (McGlone et al.,
1997), but suspended particles, such as starch granules, chloroplasts
and mitochondria may also induce scattering caused by
diffraction at the particle surface where the refractive index is
different from that of the surroundings (Il’yasov and Krasnikov,
1991). The scattering is also dependent on the size, the shape
and microstructure of the particles. Scattering may also appear
due to heterogeneities, such as pores, openings, capillaries that
are randomly distributed through the sample. Multiple scattering
events largely determine the intensity of the scattered
light that is emitted (McGlone et al., 1997). The scattering process
affects the intensity level of the reflected spectrum rather
than the shape; the latter is more related to the absorption
(Nicolai et al., (2007) Postharvest Biology and Technology 46, 99–118)
reflection causes gloss, whereas external diffuse reflection is
induced by rough surfaces. Both only provide information about
the surface of the sample. Scattering results from multiple refractions
at phase changes inside the material. The main scattering
elements in fruit and vegetables are the cell wall interfaces since
they induce abrupt changes in refractive index (McGlone et al.,
1997), but suspended particles, such as starch granules, chloroplasts
and mitochondria may also induce scattering caused by
diffraction at the particle surface where the refractive index is
different from that of the surroundings (Il’yasov and Krasnikov,
1991). The scattering is also dependent on the size, the shape
and microstructure of the particles. Scattering may also appear
due to heterogeneities, such as pores, openings, capillaries that
are randomly distributed through the sample. Multiple scattering
events largely determine the intensity of the scattered
light that is emitted (McGlone et al., 1997). The scattering process
affects the intensity level of the reflected spectrum rather
than the shape; the latter is more related to the absorption
(Nicolai et al., (2007) Postharvest Biology and Technology 46, 99–118)
Diffuse transmittance
Diffuse Transmittance
Radiation interacting with a sample may be absorbed,
transmitted or reflected. In the classical spectroscopy
experiment, reflection is eliminated so that the proportion
of radiation attenuated by the sample may be measured as
transmittance. Beer’s law then defines a proportionality
between transmittance and the product of concentration
of the absorbing species and path length. For a clear
transparent liquid sample such as beer, hot starch melts,
wine or vegetable oil, the path length may be fixed by
means of a static or flow-through sample cuvette or a pair
of fiber-optic probes and a calibration developed using
samples of known concentrations. For example, Halsey.2/
used standard solutions of ethanol in water to develop
a calibration for alcohol content of beer. It should be
noted that, owing to the relatively weak intensities of
NIR absorption bands, samples such as vegetable oils
may be analyzed without dilution in a solvent.
Beer’s law is only valid in the absence of light scatter
in the sample. Scattering changes the path length through
which the radiation passes and, because the amount
of scattering varies from sample to sample, the path
length cannot be defined. This type of experiment is
known as diffuse transmittance (Figure 3), the most well known
example of which is liquid whole milk. The
fat globules in the milk scatter light in the manner
shown and invalidate Beer’s law. Diffuse transmittance
measurements are usually carried out in the 800–1100nm
region of the spectrum where the weak absorptions enable
useful data to be obtained using thicknesses of 1–2 cm
of samples such as meat, cheese or whole grain. Near infrared
transmittance (NIT) instruments are particularly
applicable to the analysis of whole grains and a typical
apparatus is shown schematically in Figure 4. A sample
of grain is placed in a hopper from where aliquots are
dispensed into the measurement chamber. When analysis
is complete, the sample is discharged into a collection
tray. This arrangement lends itself well to adaptation for
on-line measurements (see section 5.1).
Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry
Edited by Robert A. Meyers. Ó John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester. ISBN 0471 97670 9)
Radiation interacting with a sample may be absorbed,
transmitted or reflected. In the classical spectroscopy
experiment, reflection is eliminated so that the proportion
of radiation attenuated by the sample may be measured as
transmittance. Beer’s law then defines a proportionality
between transmittance and the product of concentration
of the absorbing species and path length. For a clear
transparent liquid sample such as beer, hot starch melts,
wine or vegetable oil, the path length may be fixed by
means of a static or flow-through sample cuvette or a pair
of fiber-optic probes and a calibration developed using
samples of known concentrations. For example, Halsey.2/
used standard solutions of ethanol in water to develop
a calibration for alcohol content of beer. It should be
noted that, owing to the relatively weak intensities of
NIR absorption bands, samples such as vegetable oils
may be analyzed without dilution in a solvent.
Beer’s law is only valid in the absence of light scatter
in the sample. Scattering changes the path length through
which the radiation passes and, because the amount
of scattering varies from sample to sample, the path
length cannot be defined. This type of experiment is
known as diffuse transmittance (Figure 3), the most well known
example of which is liquid whole milk. The
fat globules in the milk scatter light in the manner
shown and invalidate Beer’s law. Diffuse transmittance
measurements are usually carried out in the 800–1100nm
region of the spectrum where the weak absorptions enable
useful data to be obtained using thicknesses of 1–2 cm
of samples such as meat, cheese or whole grain. Near infrared
transmittance (NIT) instruments are particularly
applicable to the analysis of whole grains and a typical
apparatus is shown schematically in Figure 4. A sample
of grain is placed in a hopper from where aliquots are
dispensed into the measurement chamber. When analysis
is complete, the sample is discharged into a collection
tray. This arrangement lends itself well to adaptation for
on-line measurements (see section 5.1).
Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry
Edited by Robert A. Meyers. Ó John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester. ISBN 0471 97670 9)
Definition of Interactance
Definition of Interactance
Three different measurement setups for obtaining near
infrared spectra are shown in Fig. 2. In reflectance mode
(Fig. 2a), light source and detector are mounted under a specific
angle, e.g., 45◦, to avoid specular reflection. In transmittance
mode the light source is positioned opposite to the detector,
while in interactance mode the light source and detector are
positioned parallel to each other in such a way that light due
to specular reflection cannot directly enter the detector. This
can be achieved by means of a bifurcated cable in which fibers
leading to the source and detector are parallel to each other and
in contact with the product, or by means of a special optical
arrangement (e.g., Greensill and Walsh, 2000a; McGlone et al.,
(Nicolai et al., 2007)
There is also similar definition of interactance by Karl Norris somewhere. May be in Davies Column but I cannot find it.
In the interactance mode
(Figure 6d) a higher probability is given to the incident
beam to interact with the sample. Consequently, the
emerging beam (collected at a place somewhat distant from
the location of incidence) contains more information on
the sample constituents and reflects better the actual
composition of the sample.
(Pasquini, 2003)
Three different measurement setups for obtaining near
infrared spectra are shown in Fig. 2. In reflectance mode
(Fig. 2a), light source and detector are mounted under a specific
angle, e.g., 45◦, to avoid specular reflection. In transmittance
mode the light source is positioned opposite to the detector,
while in interactance mode the light source and detector are
positioned parallel to each other in such a way that light due
to specular reflection cannot directly enter the detector. This
can be achieved by means of a bifurcated cable in which fibers
leading to the source and detector are parallel to each other and
in contact with the product, or by means of a special optical
arrangement (e.g., Greensill and Walsh, 2000a; McGlone et al.,
(Nicolai et al., 2007)
There is also similar definition of interactance by Karl Norris somewhere. May be in Davies Column but I cannot find it.
In the interactance mode
(Figure 6d) a higher probability is given to the incident
beam to interact with the sample. Consequently, the
emerging beam (collected at a place somewhat distant from
the location of incidence) contains more information on
the sample constituents and reflects better the actual
composition of the sample.
(Pasquini, 2003)
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